Bruce Perkins Intervention


Family Intervention

For over 30 years, I have been helping families in crisis do what others told them couldn't be done, namely get help for their addicted loved ones. There is a long-standing myth in our culture that an addicted person cannot get help until they "hit bottom."

Consequently, caring family members and friends feel helpless as they watch their addicted loved one sink slowly into the murky depths of the whirlpool known as addiction. They see them lose relationships, health, freedom, jobs, sanity and ultimately, their lives and feel powerless to stop the descent. Unfortunately, too many times, "hitting bottom" only happens after a tragedy.

There is a way to get help for people who don't recognize their need for help. A structured intervention can be the means by which the "bottom" can be raised till it hits them! A structured family intervention is done with love, honesty, grace and kindness. It is non-shaming and non-judgmental, but firm in its resolve to finally give the addicted person a clear picture of where their addiction has taken them and taken those who care about them. Structured interventions can be used to help people engaged in any self-destructive behavior such as:

  • Alcoholism
  • Drug Addiction
  • Gambling
  • Eating Disorders
  • Sex Addiction
  • Spending Addiction
  • Computer Addiction
  • Hoarding

Even if you have tried many times to talk about their addictive behaviors and have never gotten anywhere, have hope. It is the skill and experience of an intervention specialist that will design the intervention process so that you will finally be heard and the addicted person will likely seek help. All you have to bring is your honest information about what has been going on and your love and concern for that addicted person. I will take care of the rest. Together, we can do what others said can't be done.

I have included some quotations from thank-you notes that I have received over the years to show you what can be accomplished. I wish I could give you their names and phone numbers so you could talk to them directly, but I am bound to protect their anonymity, just like I would yours if we work together.

Service Area

Image of the midwest

Perkins Intervention's main service areas are in Indiana and surrounding states, including Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Bloomington, LaFayette, or Muncie, IN, Louisville, KY, Cincinnati, OH or Eastern IL or Southern Michigan. Occasionally, there is a need to travel to one coast or the other, particularly Florida. If Bruce cannot travel or is already booked for the time you want, he can and does recommend other intervention specialists.

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