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"My gratitude for your help, Bruce, is enormous. Today my son is experiencing the joy of recovery."

Ft. Wayne, IN
Bruce Perkins Intervention

For Family

When an active using addict is in the midst, our lives can become as unmanageable as theirs. For the purpose of clarity, when using the word alcoholic, from the perspective of family members and friends, you can substitute any addiction or substance abuse.

It's generally understood that one alcoholic profoundly negatively effects seven to nine people. If you have an alcoholic in your life you might want to consider Al-Anon Family Groups as a support system because you can have behaviors that are both detrimental to the addict and to yourself. We get caught up trying to force solutions for someone who doesn't seem to hear what we are saying. We think if we said it differently or at a better time, they would hear or see what they need to do. We can become controlling and angry trying to have a relationship with someone who is unwilling or unable to take responsibility for himself or herself. Their under-responsibility seems to force our over-responsibility but sometimes we do it willingly, because we love them. This is called enabling. We think we're helping them, but we're actually allowing the problem to continue. One of the reasons an intervention works is because you get real information, not myths or moral judgements. Often, hurt feelings go unresolved, unspoken, are painful and just under the surface. Unresolved emotions including grief, keep the addict using something to keep from feeling them. It is a quick fix, though, and usually ends up making things worse. This emotional aspect of addiction runs through all forms and is one of the things they will have the opportunity to deal with in treatment. Most treatment centers will also provide a family week, or family days or some other opportunity for the family or close friends to participate. Even if the family has the opportunity in a treatment setting, it can be profoundly helpful to attend Al-Anon or Nar-Anon meetings, just as the alcoholic will be encouraged to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, AA meetings, and drug addict to attend Narcotics Anonymous, NA. Having support from those who are going through the same thing or those who already have been there, will speed the healing process along.

We understand that families and friends are in the middle of difficult circumstances, regardless, the next step is to call Perkins Intervention at 765-759-7339

Service Area

Image of the midwest

Perkins Intervention's main service areas are in Indiana and surrounding states, including Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Bloomington, LaFayette, or Muncie, IN, Louisville, KY, Cincinnati, OH or Eastern IL or Southern Michigan. Occasionally, there is a need to travel to one coast or the other, particularly Florida. If Bruce cannot travel or is already booked for the time you want, he can and does recommend other intervention specialists.

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